Sunday, June 22, 2008

Week 1: Project 1B

Paulo Freire

 Paulo Freire was born into a middle class family on September 19, 1921, that suffered the ramifications of the Great Depression. Enduring this tumultuous time helped shape Paulo Freire into one of the most influential educational reformers of his time. He educated himself in law with an emphasis in philosophy, which would eventually serve him and the citizens of Brazil; he worked with the poor, many who were illiterate and unable to vote, for literacy was required in order to be allowed to vote in presidential elections. Without the power to vote, the poor remained in a constant state of oppression. Freire devised a way, through education, to liberate the poor and allow them the chance to vote. His ideals advanced into what became known as “liberation theology.”

Freire used his appointment as director of the Department of Cultural Extensions of Recife University to apply his “liberation theology” on 300 sugarcane workers. Within just 45 days, he was able to teach them to read and write. The Brazilian government realized his achievements in working with the poor. This recognition broadened Freire’s philosophy and helped to “create thousands of other circles across the country (”; however, a military coup was not happy with Freire’s effort and arrested and jailed him for 70 days. Regardless of being jailed and labeled a traitor, Freire continued to work hard to educate the poor throughout his lifetime. He believed that education was the key to freedom. Freire worked extensively to reach millions of people by writing books in both English and Spanish, which broadened his efforts and drew even more attention to a cultural issue that plagued the poor and illiterate. Freire created adult literacy projects focusing on educational reform to elevate the illiterate and poor cultures throughout Brazil.

Freire’s book, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed is currently one of the most quoted educational texts (especially in Latin America, Africa and Asia) (infed)." Freire became one of the most renowned, influential thinkers and educators of the twentieth century; he believed in the power of education and used his philosophical ideals to help advance illiterate and poor cultures throughout the county and world.


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